The other day i was asked to burn a audio CD for someone. I thought to myself:
"cool now i have a chance to check out Brasero"
(Brasero is a CD/DVD Burning App for Linux)
After selecting: "
audio project" and adding my files, I was ready to burn. I swiftly clicked on the "
Burn" button. Then to my surprise a dialog box popped up and it read: "
Normalizing Tracks". I thought "
OK that doesn't sound too bad, I only have one 20 minute track". However, after 30 minutes I asked myself: "How can this be taking so long? This is ridiculous". I gave it another 10 min and decided to cancel the job.
The thing is this: Brasero actually does
NOTHING when you see this dialog box.
It just sits there staring back at you and never normalizes let alone burns anything.
(BTW: Normalizing Tracks ensures a constant level of volume between tracks.)
Here's what I did to fix (workaround?) the problem:
Click on "
Edit" -> "
Plug Ins" and then uncheck (disable) "
After I had done that, the CD was burned without a problem.
Happy Burning! :)