Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Flash Video (flv) lesson

Greetings earthlings,

This post is about a little (huge) problem i encountered whilst attempting to stream, via http, a 35 minute flv video on a remote server using the latest and greatest  jwplayer. The weird thing was everything worked flawlessly on my local sever (localhost / but when i uploaded the file via ftp (gftp) to the remote site, the page containing the video would just show a blank screen and if i right clicked whilst hovering over it, the context menu
showed: "movie not loaded", and below that: "About Adobe flash . . .".

I tried using relative paths, then i tried absolute paths. Still, the blank screen remained. I scratched my head for a long time. Then suddenly, i remembered a piece of information i had retained from my younger days and it solved the problem instantly!

What was the problem?

I had uploaded the flv file (also the swf player files) using FTP in ASCII mode instead of BINARY mode.

I hope this info helps someone. i put it here in-case i forget

That's all folks